Preventing workplace ​​harassment

In today’s increasingly competitive business environment, the pressure to meet profitability criteria and economic constraints often results in more complex organizational systems. This complexity can inadvertently create conditions conducive to moral harassment. As organizations strive to navigate these challenges, it is crucial to implement effective prevention policies to combat workplace harassment. In this article, we explore strategies and best practices for preventing harassment, fostering a safer and more supportive work environment for all employees.

What is harassment in the workplace?

Harassment is behavior that makes someone feel intimidated or offended, and it is unlawful under the Equality Act 2010. Employers have a legal obligation to prevent harassment in the workplace, as stipulated by the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015. These laws address discrimination based on nine grounds:

  • gender
  • civil status
  • family status
  • sexual orientation
  • age
  • disability
  • race
  • religious belief
  • membership of the Traveller community

Harassment can occur in various settings related to work, including at the workplace, during training courses, on work trips, at work-related social events, or any other occasions connected to one’s job. It is essential for both employers and employees to understand these contexts to effectively identify and address harassment.

The Code of Practice on Sexual Harassment and Harassment at Work provides practical guidance for preventing harassment and sexual harassment in the workplace. This code outlines steps that employers and employees can take to foster a safe and respectful working environment, ensuring that all individuals are protected from such detrimental behavior.

Prevent harassment in the workplace

Preventing harassment in the workplace is a multifaceted responsibility that primarily falls on the employer, who plays a critical role in managing work organization, working conditions, and interpersonal relationships within the hierarchy. Effective prevention requires a combination of regulatory, informational, and organizational measures.

Regulatory Measures

Employers must ensure that any harassment ceases immediately by taking appropriate action against the harasser. This involves enforcing strict policies and disciplinary actions to address and mitigate harassment incidents promptly. Regulatory measures should include a clear, zero-tolerance policy towards harassment and a defined process for investigating and addressing complaints.

Informational Measures

Providing comprehensive information is crucial in preventing harassment. Employers should identify and support individuals who are being harassed, clearly detail what constitutes unacceptable behavior, gestures, and comments, and outline potential sanctions for such behavior. Additionally, it is essential to inform all employees about the procedures for lodging complaints and seeking help. Regular training sessions and workshops can raise awareness and educate employees about recognizing and responding to harassment.

Organizational Measures

The way work is organized and tasks are designed can significantly impact the prevalence of harassment. Employers should evaluate and adjust work organization, task design, and management styles to minimize stressors and conflicts that may lead to harassment. Implementing fair and transparent personnel management practices, promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity, and ensuring that employees have access to support systems are vital steps in creating a harassment-free workplace.

How to react to workplace harassment ?

If you experience workplace harassment, it is important to know that you cannot be victimized for bringing a claim under employment equality legislation. Here are the steps you should take to address the situation:

First, inform the person responsible that their behavior, conduct, or material is unacceptable and offensive to you. Clearly expressing your discomfort can sometimes resolve the issue.

If the harassment continues, you may need to escalate the matter by making a formal complaint. Begin by checking your employer’s policy on harassment to understand the procedures involved. This policy should outline what will happen when a formal complaint is made, how the complaint will be investigated, and who will conduct the investigation. It is essential that the process respects confidentiality and the rights of both parties involved.

Should you feel that your complaint has not been adequately addressed by your employer, you have the option to take the matter to the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC). The WRC provides a formal avenue for grievances related to harassment or sexual harassment.

It is important to act promptly, as complaints under the Employment Equality Acts must be submitted within six months of the last act of harassment. This period can be extended by an additional six months if there is a valid reason for the delay.

Employers have a legal and moral obligation to take all reasonable steps to prevent harassment in the workplace. Establishing clear procedures for receiving and investigating complaints is crucial to successful prevention. Ensuring that these complaints are handled promptly and fairly through well-defined processes is essential for maintaining a safe and respectful work environment. By implementing these measures, employers can create a workplace culture that prioritizes the well-being and dignity of all employees. For assistance in developing and implementing effective harassment prevention policies, please contact us.

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