working from home safety

Working from home safety Remote working has become increasingly prevalent, but it also brings unique challenges to workers' health and safety. Both employers and employees must recognize the associated risks and implement appropriate preventive measures to mitigate them. Understanding and addressing these risks are essential for ensuring a safe and productive remote working environment. In this article, we will explore the key safety concerns related to working from home and provide practical guidance on how…

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Workplace Stress For Managers Training

Preventing workplace ​​harassment In today's increasingly competitive business environment, the pressure to meet profitability criteria and economic constraints often results in more complex organizational systems. This complexity can inadvertently create conditions conducive to moral harassment. As organizations strive to navigate these challenges, it is crucial to implement effective prevention policies to combat workplace harassment. In this article, we explore strategies and best practices for preventing harassment, fostering a safer and more supportive work environment for…

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Noise & Hearing Protection Training

Noise exposure in the workplace Noise exposure in the workplace is a pressing health and safety issue, affecting numerous workers across Ireland. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can result in severe work-related injuries and long-term health conditions, including permanent hearing loss. With a significant portion of the workforce at risk, it is crucial for employers to understand the dangers associated with noise exposure and to implement effective measures to mitigate these risks. Ensuring a…

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first aid and emergency procedures

First aid and emergency procedures Accidents at home or incidents in the workplace can happen at any time. From treating minor injuries to managing serious emergencies, having a well-defined approach can significantly mitigate the impact of accidents and health crises. This article explores the importance of first aid and emergency procedures, outlines key practices and protocols, and provides guidance on establishing an effective response strategy to ensure a safer work environment for all. Risk assessment…

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ergonomic tips for workers

Ergonomic tips for workers Our musculoskeletal system, comprising bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and nerves, forms the structural framework of our bodies, supporting us in our daily activities. Yet, it's a system we often take for granted, neglecting to consider the profound impact our postures and movements can have on its health and functionality. It's not until we experience the discomfort of aches and pains that we're reminded of the importance of proper ergonomics in safeguarding…

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improve your induction training

4 ways to improve your employee induction training Welcoming new employees into your organisation is a critical step in their journey towards becoming valuable and productive members of your team. For new hires, the initial days and weeks are often characterised by a sense of vulnerability, as they navigate unfamiliar territories, grapple with new responsibilities, and strive to integrate into the company culture. In addition to being a legal obligation, inducting your new employees is…

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Cybersecurity : How to prevent cyber attacks ?

Cybersecurity : How to prevent cyber attacks ? In today's digital age, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern for businesses of all sizes. With the increasing reliance on digital technologies in daily operations, companies face a myriad of potential vulnerabilities that can expose them to cyber threats. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, the consequences of inadequate cybersecurity measures can be devastating, leading to financial losses, reputational damage, and operational disruptions. Therefore, it is imperative…

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addictive behaviour at work

How to prevent addictive behaviours at work ? Substance abuse stands as a pervasive societal challenge with far-reaching implications, touching the lives of individuals, families, communities, and workplaces alike. Within the corporate landscape, the ramifications are multifaceted, encompassing diminished performance, heightened absenteeism, and an augmented susceptibility to accidents and injuries. In light of these sobering realities, organisations are compelled to proactively confront the challenge of addictive behaviours, not merely as a matter of corporate responsibility,…

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Health and Safety: Personal Protective Equipment In today's dynamic work environments, safeguarding the health and well-being of employees is paramount. Central to achieving this goal is the effective implementation of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) measures. As an indispensable component of any comprehensive safety policy, PPE serves as the frontline defence against occupational hazards, shielding workers from potential risks and ensuring their welfare on the job. Explore our comprehensive guide, crafted by our team of EHS…

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chemicals hazards

How to prevent chemical hazards in the workplace ? Chemicals are an ubiquitous part of the modern workplace, with applications ranging from paints, sprays, inks, toners, and adhesives to an array of materials used in cleaning and maintenance, such as detergents and oils. While these substances are essential for various industrial processes, they also pose potential risks to the health and safety of employees. Any chemical, in gas, liquid, or solid form, that has the…

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