candidates waiting for interview

Older workers have not been appreciated or regarded in a positive light but now that is changing and here are some reasons why in today’s very competitive workplace, older workers are making a comeback.

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Man travelling for work alone

So many of us travel for work on a daily basis, others on a more ad-hoc basis. Either way, travelling for work is something that we need to consider from a personal viewpoint and a company viewpoint.

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Woman employing safe work practices in a factory

As an employer, it is your responsibility to maintain a safe and healthy workplace. One of the ways to do this, is to encourage safe work practices within the company. Here are a few tips on how to do just that…

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New LED light bulb replacing old bulb in an eco-friendly workplace

A business can begin by making small changes in its operations which are free or relatively inexpensive and which will again lead to lower costs, higher yields and greater profit.

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nouvel employé en pleine reflexion

Should I stay or should I go? This is a question that most of us will ask ourselves having started a new job. You have gone to a lot of effort in seeking out a position, you’ve applied for it, prepared for and attended interviews, handed in your notice and have tried to make a good first impression at your new workplace.

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construction site safety audit

Successful companies have realised (maybe some the hard way) that it makes perfect business sense to treat the area of EHS as any other integral part of the business. EHS is no longer a separate silo on its own. In these successful companies, it is considered an equal with other departments.

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mesothelioma diagnosis

It is important as a business owner to be completely aware of all potential asbestos located on your building’s property. It could have negative lasting health effects on employees and the business.

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Risk Assessment - the basic principles

Where risk cannot be avoided, it has to be managed. This means developing an approach to identify, analyse, evaluate and control risk.

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EHS professional listening to employee

We’ve developed this cheat sheet to help you, the small business owner, learn more about cost-effective safety management tactics like risk assessment, developing a safety statement and training.

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danger keep out

Most people have heard that asbestos is dangerous, but what do they really know? Where does it come from, what exactly is it, how is it harmful and what can you do to increase awareness of the dangers of asbestos.

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