Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is one of the most useful, but also the most misunderstood risk control measures available in the workplace. The correct PPE can provide very robust barriers to hazards but it must be used in the right context which unfortunately is not always the case in the workplace.
Health and Safety – Costly or Beneficial?
Well, this is an interesting topic for discussion! If you ask a small business owner or someone in management, they will probably say that health and safety is costly, takes up time and can be a barrier. Ask a health and safety professional and you will get the opposite answer!
The Benefits of Health and Safety Induction Training
Everyone that visits your site should have some kind of formal induction. Each induction will need to cover different topics, for example, Visitors won’t need to know how to fill out a permit to work form, but they will need to know where their assembly point is, in the event of an emergency.
Promoting a Culture of Safety
Safety Culture is probably one of the most important aspects of safety management, and probably the most difficult to implement. Whether you are a safety professional, supervisor, manager or an employee of a company, you need to consider the importance of creating a strong safety culture within your Organisation.
EU-OSHA – Occupational health and safety in the EU
For most safety practitioners and others with an interest in occupational health and safety, there is normally a familiarity with the government organisation that has been defined in legislation as the statutory body for enforcing occupational health and safety legislation at a national level.
Benchmarking Health and Safety – Key Considerations
Benchmarking has proven to be a useful process used to drive improvement in management systems resulting in the opportunity for improved performance, enhanced reputation and also providing new opportunities for businesses.
5 Tips for Organising your Safety Meetings
How productive are your monthly safety meetings? Are they just a tick the box exercise and you get nothing done? Your safety committee can be a fantastic tool for your Health and Safety Toolbox. Here are five tips to make sure you are getting the very best out of your team.
Protecting Young Workers’ Health and Safety
So what makes young workers so vulnerable? A young person or younger workers perspective is undeveloped; the lack of real-life experience is to be expected and they need guidance and protection through this vulnerable time.
Human Influences in Emergency Situations
Understanding how humans react psychologically to emergencies may give some insight into how your own behaviour and the behaviour of the group may be compromised in an emergency.
Successful companies look after EHS
Successful companies have realised (maybe some the hard way) that it makes perfect business sense to treat the area of EHS as any other integral part of the business. EHS is no longer a separate silo on its own. In these successful companies, it is considered an equal with other departments.