Psychological Capital
Psychological Capital, an Opportunity to Enhance Employee Wellbeing. Alan White Wellness Consultant EazySAFE As we slowly return to the normality we used to know pre Covid, the news we are hearing is often ambiguous but sometimes hopeful. With this, many people will be returning to the office over the coming months. Although some will welcome this others will be reluctant for various reasons, however, for leaders it is an opportunity to review one of the most important factors in employee wellbeing…
Rebuilding the Workplace
Rebuilding the Workplace LISA QUINN O'FLAHERTY Solicitor Fitzsimons Redmond Never before have we had such a blank slate to shape our workplaces to suit the needs of all stakeholders. Office workers have kept businesses afloat over the last year and a half from their own homes. They have proven that the model where everybody works from a central office is both unnecessary and outdated. Workers have shown that targets can be met while working from…
Wellbeing Employee and Retention
Employee Wellbeing and Retention Means 'Keeping It Simple' Alan White Wellness Consultant EazySAFE There are some simple things that all companies can do to help create a sense of wellbeing amongst their employees. Whether continuing to work from home or transitioning back to the workplace, many of us have had time to reflect and look at what we value in our professional lives. As the term “the great resignation”, gathers momentum, many organisations will begin…
Occupational Health Psychology
Occupational Health Psychology and Its Function in The Workplace JENNY COLLINS EHS Consultant EazySAFE Occupational health psychology (OHP) is an emerging subfield of psychology which overlaps with industrial and organisational psychology. According to the HSA, in 2020 the most reported accidents included falls and manual handling (Irish Times, 2021).These represent concrete physical conditions at work. Non-physical conditions include irregular shift patterns like night shift, interpersonal conflict, lack of autonomy, heavy workload, and work-life conflict which can affect our physical and emotional health. Occupational stress and accidents OHP…
Bullying and Harassment
Bullying and Harassment LISA QUINN O'FLAHERTY Solicitor Fitzsimons Redmond Bullying and harassment at work are risks to be monitored and mitigated. Workplaces that deal inappropriately with bullying leave themselves open to the high turnover of staff, lost productivity, absenteeism, civil claims in respect of stress, bullying and harassment and even claims for constructive dismissal. They may also find themselves in breach of Health and Safety legislation for failing to prevent stress-related injuries. As well as the impact on the…
Employee Health Safety and Wellbeing
Employee Health Safety and Wellbeing ALAN WHITE Wellness Consultant EazySAFE Employee Health and Safety (EHS) is an integral part of any business. Carrying out risk assessments and ensuring staff are properly trained is inherent to all organisations. Employee inductions always include safety training to ensure that everyone works to minimise the risks of physical injury. Keeping employees physically safe is of course one of the fundamental priorities in any organisation, however in order to take a holistic…
Commuting to Work Post Covid
Commuting to Work Post Covid Gemma Doyle EHF Consultant EazySAFE Over the coming weeks and months, many employees will return to their place of work. After over a year or half of working remotely, a lot of employees will have a shock to the system, when they return to commuting to work! There are many perks to working from home and remotely, one of them being no commute. Having no commute to work has its…
Vaccinating against workplaces issues
Vaccinating against Workplace issues LISA QUINN O'FLAHERTY Solicitor Fitzsimons Redmond As businesses reopen, and employers contemplate bringing workers back to the physical workplace, there remains a duty to ensure a safe place of work for all employees and the people who come onto their premises. Precautions must be taken to protect workers and others from contracting Covid-19. One way of ensuring this is done safely is to request that all employees avail of a Covid-19 vaccination. It must be noted that the Department of Enterprise,…
A Checklist for Wellbeing
A Checklist for Wellbeing Alan White Wellness Consultant EazySAFE As we begin to return to normality, many of us are looking forward to doing the things that we used to enjoy, like meeting friends and colleagues, socialising and visiting places we haven’t been able to for a long time. For some it will mean the return to the workplace too. This is a very positive development for all of us, however when it comes to our…
Advice for employees working in the outdoors
Advice for employees working in the outdoors Gemma Doyle EHF Consultant EazySAFE Working outside in the fresh air most definitely has its bonuses, especially when the sun is shining! It does however come with risks and hazards that indoor worker never have to consider. Outdoor employees, who are they? Construction workers Farmers Gardeners Environmental scientists/geologists/conservation workers/park rangers Outdoor employees are exposed to many types of hazards that depend on their type of work: geographic location season duration of time spent outside …