Compassionate Leadership in Uncertain Times

Compassionate Leadership in Uncertain Times ALAN WHITE Wellness Consultant EazySAFE As we begin to return to some normality in our lives, many people are beginning to realise that what lies ahead is unfortunately more uncertainty. As well as the threat of COVID-19 there also looms the threat of economic uncertainty. As well as the fear for our health, many will now fear for their future professional lives also. Living with fear creates high levels of…

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How to saty focus during your workday ?

How to stay focus during your workday ? GEMMA COLLINS DOYLE EHS Consultant EazySAFE It happens us all. We have a “to do” list as long as your arm and you just can’t seem to focus on one task at time! With so many employees now working from home during the pandemic and many more encouraged to continue working from home into the near future, it is fair to say that we all need some extra techniques…

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Returning to Work Safely Following the Pandemic

Returning to Work Safely Following the Pandemic GEMMA COLLINS DOYLE EHS Consultant EazySAFE The last few months have been extremely challenging for everyone, especially businesses. Over the next few days, all other non-essential businesses will begin opening their doors. While some cannot wait and are excited about welcoming their customers back in, there is also an air of trepidation and nervousness. So much effort and money has been spent to ensure each workplace and business…

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école à la maison

Working from Home as a Parent in the Pandemic GEMMA COLLINS DOYLE EHS Consultant EazySAFE Even writing the title of this article was strange. I know I am not the only one who feels we are living in a very strange time. I never thought in my lifetime, that I would get a text message saying that your children’s school is closed indefinitely, without even 24 hours notice! What a surreal day, I will never…

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Mental Health and Covid-19. What can we do? ALAN WHITE Wellness Consultant EazySAFE Without a personal frame of reference no one can say with certainty what we should or should not be doing during this crisis. The truth is that none of us have ever experienced a Global Pandemic before, and therefore we are all experiencing the effects that fear and uncertainty are having on our Mental Health. As the realities of lockdown sink in…

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tips for remote workers

Wellbeing in Times of Uncertainty ALAN WHITE Wellness Consultant EazySAFE Never in living memory have our lives changed so drastically than over the past number of days. New phrases such as ‘social distancing’ and ‘self-isolating’ form part of the global narrative and therefore most conversations at the moment. As workplaces adapt their practices for the health and safety of their workers, many of us find ourselves working alone or working from home. While we adapt…

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Advices for remote workers
employés dans un environnement de travail

Air Quality in the Workplace and the Impact on Worker Well-being GEMMA COLLINS DOYLE EHS Consultant EazySAFE “Clean air is considered to be a basic requirement of human health and well-being. However, air pollution continues to pose a significant threat to health worldwide.”  (WHO 2005) Believe it or not, the quality of the air in your office area is extremely important. When we think about air pollutants, we usually think about those found outside whether in…

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good vibes only sign

Finding The Motivation to Change ALAN WHITE Wellness Consultant EazySAFE   January is traditionally a time of resolutions. Declarations of change that will turn our lives in fantastic new directions. The inertia of Christmas indulgence makes us feel that we are not achieving enough and we decide that in the New Year it’s time to change. As 2020 begins, we look at what motivation it takes to actually change and improve your physical and mental…

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