Pregnant Employee Risk Assessment
The purpose a Pregnant Employee (New & Expectant Mothers) Risk Assessment is to examine the work activities carried out by employees and determine the suitability of the activities with regard to pregnant employees.
There are a number of general hazards that are covered by this assessment which include:

There are no specific risks to new or expectant workers or the unborn foetus from exposure to excessive noise. Prolonged exposure to noise can lead to increased levels of blood pressure and tiredness. Compliance with the European Communities (Protection of Workers) (Exposure to Noise) Regulations, SI No. 157 of 1990 should be sufficient to meet the needs of new or expectant mothers.

Excessive Heat
During pregnancy, women’s tolerance to heat is reduced and they are liable to heat stress and could faint easily. Breast feeding can be impaired by heat dehydration. Great care should be taken by pregnant workers when exposed to prolonged periods of heat.

Manual Handling
Pregnant workers are especially at risk from manual handling injury – for example hormonal changes can affect the ligaments, increasing susceptibility to injury. Manual handling of loads increase the risk of postural problems for the pregnant worker.

Movement and postures
Fatigue from standing and other physical work is a well-established association with miscarriage, premature birth and low birth weight. Excessive physical pressure may cause stress and can give rise to anxiety and raised blood pressure.
How we can help you:
- Carry out an assessment to ensure you comply with all applicable Pregnant Employee Regulations
- Carry out an assessment to examine work activities carried out by employees and determine the suitability of the activities with regard to pregnant employees
- Advise on a formal system to be put in place for the control of work activities undertaken by pregnant workers
- Make effective recommendations

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